In recent weeks, more and more designers offer additional licenses for CU for all their PU items.
We feel compelled to explain publicly, why you can not turn one of your PU kits into a CU kit by selling extra licenses, if this kits contain any of our CU products.
1. in order to sell CU products, you have to be the copyright holder on ALL items in this kit. But your are not, if you have crafted your PU products with the help of 3rd party designs (CU items).
Related to AFD and Angelica's art it means: if such a kit includes any part, item, element, paper or whatever else you find in our CU products - it cannot be turned into a CU kit later on, unless
you take the items in question out BEFORE you offer the extended license.
2. You IMPLY to YOUR customers that you hold all the rights of the original creation.This cuts potential customers completely off from the important information about the origins of the item in question.
In the consequence, it cuts Angelica off from the revenue on her own work, which she already offers as CU product.
With indicating that you ARE the copyright holder - you withhold the proper credits to the original artist and therefor your customers, other designers who obtain CU items, will not know, where to find and buy the original product.
It is against our TOU for CU products, there is no exception ever.
This is and always was the definition of a CU product and distinguishes it from RESALE products.
If you would like to have art for digital resale, please contact us for individual commissions.
if you have further questions to the usage of our CU items, please contact
kind regards,
Angelica & Namon Sellers
added: this concerns all painted CU products and element bundles
it only concerns customers, who create scrap kits or element bundles/paper bundles with the help
of our above mentioned CU items and plan to sell an additional CU license to THEIR customers for the kits and items they have sold under PU license in the past.
it has no effect on the permission for card sheet designers, since their designs are not a competitive product to our product line.